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At the top of the Customer showcase (XF)

Oblivion Knight

Bang bang!
Sep 22, 2020
Reaction score
Not that I expect things to stay as they are when the page is featured more prominently over at XenForo, especially now that I've suggested a random order would be fairest for everyone :taped_face: but for now..


There's surely no better place to be than at the top!
That's really cool, considering this community is still in it's infancy.. Nice job!
That's fantastic to see, let's hope UO can sit there for a while before any potential sorting changes take place. James is right, even more impressive considering our global statistics are still quite low. Just goes to show just how well your work pops @Oblivion Knight :D
That is amazing. I wasn't actually aware of this feature so I will have to do that for my own general discussion forum as well.
Hopefully we both end up there together one day :D

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